Our script will help you determine the version of the mobile phone operating system. Our script will determine the version of the mobile operating system and suggest installing the appropriate version of the mobile application. The script for the tilde.

Company details on script-mobile.com

About us

Name of organization: Individual entrepreneur Evgenia Kondrashenko
OGRNIP: 312870922900012
INN: 170200807720
Phone: 89246662004
E-mail: siteanadyr@yandex.ru
Bank details: Bank name: North-Eastern Branch No. 8645 of Sberbank of Russia OJSC
BIK: 044442607
k/c: 30101810300000000607
p/c: 40802810836000005019

How to buy a script?

Click the order button
Pay for the script online
A download link will be sent to your email
You have a script describing the installation on the Tilda platform

Any questions? Write to us and we will respond!

If you have any questions about purchasing our product, you can send us an email.